Yuria has been reincarnated into her beloved otome game as a background character...the only thing is...she's been transported to the events that take place before the storyline of the game! Working as a handmaiden for the beloved princess, she works tirelessly to change the events of the game, and create a new storyline...one where the princess doesn't become the villain. Using the knowledge of her past life and the magic she learns in the game, she guides the princess on a noble and righteous path, one that twists and turns, and is full of magic, romance, tea, sweets, and even the conflicts of royal kingdoms! A fantasy-filled adventure about a handmaiden who finds her calling in the least expected of places is about to begin!I Was Reincarnated, and Now I'm a Maid! / Tenseishimashite, Genzai wa Jijo Degozaimasu. / 転生しまして、現在は侍女でございます。 / 转生女仆~我养成的公主可不能变成恶役女配~
Yulia is reincarnated in a world set before the start of an otome game. She started working as a maid in the castle, but she is serving the princess who appears as a villain in the game! "I won't let this cute princess become a villain!" Rumored as a tough, impregnable maid, she herself will make sure to show the princess happiness! She will use her knowledge of her previous life and the life of magic to change the future of the game is what she thought, but for some reason, a knight who showed interest in her appears! Not taking falling in love into consideration, follow this talented maid through her fantasy!