1) 3つと3者の時間 - Time of Three Things & Three Persons
2) 眠れる森の嘘つき王子と偽文学少女 - The Liar Prince & Fake Literature Girl of the Forest That Can Sleep
3) 熱血ファンクラブ - Hot Blood Fan Club
4) あまりの器 - The Container of Not Much
5) 似せ者同士
6) 追え!謎先輩
7) 好きな人の、好きな人
8) 仰げば春
9) 学ランの先輩 - Gakuran no Senpai
10) 先輩はヴァンパイア
11) 綴じた花
12) 殺し屋 赤頭巾~先輩との正しいつきあい方~
13) 恋のミルクティー - Love's Milk Tea
Grimm Otogi is a descendant of the Grimm Brothers, authors of the well known Grimms' Fairytales. Upon picking up a mysterious book he discovers in his house, Otogi is attacked by a demon.He soon learns that the Grimm brothers vowed to sacrifice the lives of their descendants in exchange for the fairytales, forcing Otogi to defeat the demons from these cruel and twisted stories if he wishes to survive.