Shutaro is an unemployed single man who recently returned home from Tokyo. When he opens the door upon his return, he finds a silver-haired girl flapping her skirt in front of a fan. The girl is Nina, his niece, who aspires to be an Akiba Idol. With Nina, Shutaro will have an unforgettable summer break and beyond...
A trilogy anthology of Haruhi comics, by various artists.1. "Contest"2. "Celebration"3. "Gorgeous"
After the death of her father, it's just Nonohara Himari, her brother and their step-mother left in their household. This is the story of their daily lives and interactions
A young boy’s effort, and obstacle, to be a vegetarian werewolf.
The manga follows the carefree life and delicate relationship between a nine-year-old brother-in-law and his older brother's 21-year-old wife.