Higan: Eruthyll
Title ID:
Alt name(s):
  • 代号:依露希尔 ; Higan:Eruthyll
  • 4.93
Pub. status:
  • 17.1K
  • 21
Higan:Eruthyll: On the Eruthyll planet, humans obtained unique crystal veins called Dubriostal, based on which they developed brilliant magic tech. Feeling blessed by Dubriostal, people start to worship and deify Dubriostal, thus resulting in the emergence of Crystalis Conflux. Steeped in Crystalis Conflux's propaganda, people discriminate against those who cannot resonate with the Dubriostal, branding them as Castaway and claiming their souls are incomplete. Crystalis Conflux secretly devised an evil plan; only Castaways can see through their lies. To fight against the Crystalis Conflux and save the world, Castaways formed their resistance group - Gopher Troupe. This manga elaborates on the founding of Gopher Troupe and Castaways' glorious path of struggle.
May 14,24
1.4K 1.4K
May 14,24
452 452
May 13,24
511 511
May 11,24
728 728
May 09,24
558 558
May 08,24
800 800
May 08,24
816 816
May 08,24
898 898
May 07,24
855 855
May 06,24
1.1K 1.1K
May 06,24
1.1K 1.1K
May 06,24
1.6K 1.6K
May 06,24
2.5K 2.5K