Kidou Senshi Gundam 00I
Title ID:
Alt name(s):
  • 4.43
Pub. status:
  • 697.1K
  • 15
Mobile Suit Gundam 00I ("I" for Innovades) is the manga sequel and replacement for Mobile Suit Gundam 00F. It was also written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kōichi Tokita. The story runs concurrent with Season 2 of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and tells the story of a young man, named Leif Recitativo, who was ordered by Veda to gather a group of living bio-terminals called Innovades. Members of Celestial Being's shadow group Fereshte (which is now disbanded and rejoined the main organization) reappear as a supporting cast to the main characters. (Source: Gundam Wiki)
May 06,22
8.5K 8.5K
May 03,22
8.7K 8.7K
Apr 29,22
5.9K 5.9K
Apr 26,22
6.4K 6.4K
Apr 24,22
5K 5K
Apr 24,22
6.5K 6.5K
Apr 23,22
5.9K 5.9K
Apr 22,22
6.8K 6.8K
Oct 30,20
7.4K 7.4K
Jun 23,20
7.2K 7.2K
Jun 08,20
7K 7K
May 23,20
8.7K 8.7K
May 15,20
8.5K 8.5K
May 15,20
10K 10K
May 08,20
20.6K 20.6K